
Image of From left Andrei Tomus, Jamie Andersen, Alby Biju, Vebushan Sukumar, Felix Robertson, Sarah Sharp, Daniel Kennett-Brown, Josh Cudby, Steph Cooper

Half marathon runners get set

Nearly 100 of our students, Fellows, staff and alumni are to take part in this Sunday's (3 March 2024) Cambridge Half-Marathon, running a route which takes them through the College grounds.

Among them will be Deputy Head Porter Jamie Andersen, pictured right with students Andrei Tomus, Alby Biju, Vebushan Sukumar, Felix Robertson, Sarah Sharp, Daniel Kennett-Brown, Josh Cudby and Steph Cooper.

Runners will enter the College at the Lower Park Street gates and exit onto Jesus Lane before turning onto Victoria Avenue just before they cross the finish line.

All Jesus students, Fellows, staff, alumni and their families are welcome to come and watch the race and cheer the runners on. This year 19 runners on College places will be supporting , and the charity will have an official cheerpoint on the football pitch opposite East House. Meanwhile Cambridge University Steel Pan Society will add to the carnival atmosphere as the runners approach the finish line.

A number of  will be in place in the city centre including a two-way closure on Jesus Lane.

Emergency access to the College will be maintained at all times.

The College will not be open to the general public during the race.

The organisers are predicting 10,000+ runners on the day - including the 100 Jesuans who have been busy training in preparation.

We wish all of our runners the very best of luck!